Time is On My Side

I was just getting excited about the fact that I’ve finished lecturing for the semester, finished hosting a student from another institution, finished giving my talk at Auburn, finished with graduate recruitment activities - now I can start catching up - and this morning, this very morning, I get two manuscripts in my inbox for revision. The good news, they both look like they’ll be accepted with a bit of work.

One of the things that needs to be done to make one paper acceptable, the paper on freshwater mussels, is to make sure that people can access Scott Small’s report to Georgia Department of Natural Resources which was given to them in May 2009. I know how it goes with these reports: they can be a bear to get a copy of. So, I’m posting his report here.

Overall, I see it is time to update this site a bit too, so maybe some new references and links will go up soon... but not today!