The First!

It has been a good 5 years for the Wares Lab. We’ve had 2 Honors students, 2 Ph.D.’s, and at least 6 other undergraduates finish up in that time, and a number of good publications, small grants, projects started and completed. But today in the mail I received a copy of MEPS, and I was confused as to why they were sending me a paper copy until I realized: the first paper published by one of my graduate students finally hit the printed form! It is also the first paper for one of the Honors students (the one holding the box knife in my previous post); we do have online publications (to be in print soon) for the other Honors student (Clare Scott), two for one of the other grads, and one for a finished Ph.D. (hopefully with many more to come, Scott!), but seeing the paper in black-and-white: nothing like it. Congratulations Christina and John!