

    The word "monster" has a different definition to everybody. Some use it to describe a bad human being who did something morally wrong, others use it to describe some horrifying, unrealistic creature or ghost that somebody made up in an attempt to add some fun in their lives. I personally see it as "a being that's not liked by generally everybody, whether it's because it can harm us without being stopped, or because not a lot is known about it which is just as scary." I would consider real life monsters being murderers and abusers in the human category. Other than that, the only real life monsters would be abnormally large creatures that aren't considered to fall in the cute category that whales or elephants may be in. They could also be animals that are a danger to other creatures around them because they're hard to stop if they come after you. Another thing that could be considered monsters would be the unknown, like I mentioned before. Like the sea creatures that are too deep in the ocean for technology to actually capture so that we could learn more about them, or even aliens. I personally don't think there's aliens, but I know that there are people who believe that it is possible there's life outside of our planet. Not that they necessarily fall under the monster category. Monsters have always played a role within human history since uncertainty and danger goes hand in hand with living and surviving. Monsters tend to have the concept of their main goal is to harm another species or the human race. When aliens, are just considered another type of living organism, that's in no way connected with the human race. People haven't decided whether or not aliens would want to harm us or would just ignore us, but that's mainly because there's not even solid evidence they exist. If anything though, I do believe that there are ghosts. I know it sounds silly, but when you walk into a house or place that's filled with bad memories, and can feel uncomfortable whether you even know what happened or not, it just seems to prove it to me. Also, I've had different occurrences in the past that seemed to prove it to me as well. My dad's side of the family is just as interested in horror films as I am, so it's nice having people I can talk about these things with. My dad tries to be a skeptic and not admit that he believes but he does just from the way he talks. Another time that kind of proved it to me was when my immediate family, and my dad's side of the family all stayed together in a large cabin in North Carolina. Over the course of the visit multiple strange things happened, but nobody ever mentioned it to one another in fear that they'd kill the vacation vibe or would scare the younger cousins. But at the end of the trip, the owner of the cabin emailed my mom and asked her to please fill out a review in a book that was hidden in the bookshelf. Of course that itself isn't the odd part. What's odd is that several other people had weird things happened, and some straight up claimed it was haunted. For instance, my mom kept coming to my and my friend who stayed with me room, and the glass door would always be open no matter how many times she would lock it. Another time was when we were all downstairs watching the television while my mom and aunt cooked, and there was a huge thump upstairs. Everybody went quiet, and my dad and uncle immediately ran upstairs suspecting it was an animal that got in. They never found the source of the sound, but multiple things along with those happened too. It's not anything like what they show in movies, but I think there probably are still spirits hanging around in different places. It's hard to get anybody believe such a thing, whether ghosts, demons, or monsters really exist. You might would have solid evidence but they'd still believe you were pulling their leg or had gone through a lot of effort just to trick them. Scientists have yet been unable to prove they exist, but they also haven't been able to prove that they don't exist. They have gone through many different theories and tests to try to prove it, but none of it has been concrete evidence. Like the relationship between dissociative experiences, trait-anxiety and paranormal beliefs were tested and looked into among students. According to the Dissociative Experience Scale (by Bernstein and Putname, The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 174,727-735,1986), there were significant differences between the two genders by females scoring higher than the guys. The information you could get out of this was that high scores in spiritualism and being superstitious, and a lower score in the belief of psi, "predicted the level of derealization". High scores in precognition, the belief of psi, and being superstitious predicted amnesia. It's interesting to think about this kind of stuff though. The reason someone may believe is because a loved one may have passed away, and they're still trying to find a way that they're still with them, one way or another. Another reason someone may believe is if they've personally experienced something unnatural happening, and there wasn't a solid explanation of it. But I do think that a majority of the occurrences are faked, like the ones that they film for tv. I don't see how there would be a way they could come up with technology that could capture instances of ghosts but can't provide solid evidence that scientists can prove to be true. I think they're something not meant to be understood by a normal human being. Whether you believe it's a spirit of one who lived there before, a ghost of a loved one, or an angel, they all fall under the same concept of the unknown. Just like monsters. Monsters just tend to be a little too far played out, where people know they're not real or if they are in the category of being a real life "monster", they're nowhere near what movies make them out to be. Instead it could simply be a fish that's lucky enough to not have been caught for years and has survived and mutated from polluted waters, causing it to grow to an extraordinary size.


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